Scientific Research Strength

Scientific Research Strength

Promoting enterprises with science, technology and innovation is Changyu Group's persistent development concept, providing a solid innovation support for production and management.


Changyu Group has established academician workstations, a new materials research institute, under which there are three major laboratories for organic materials, inorganic materials and biological engineering, and a provincial enterprise technology center. Overseas research center, a domestic first-class R & D center and a post-doctoral workstation are under construction.

At present, under the joint promotion of platform and talents, Changyu Group has developed a number of core technologies and key achievements with independent intellectual property rights, which are of great significance for improving product quality, increasing the scale of domestic and foreign markets, and enhancing the Group's soft power.

Among them, the Project of R & D and Industrial Production of Long Carbon Chain Dibasic Acid in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences won the National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize, and was awarded the top ten scientific and technological achievements in Shandong Province and the Beijing Science and Technology Second Prize. The Research and Development Project of Hot Melt Adhesive for High Transparency Films has successfully concluded and filled the domestic gap.

The Research and Development Project of Spinning Grade Low Melting Nylon Hot Melt Adhesive has broken foreign monopolies. The Development and Research Project of Nanometer Zirconia Powder is progressing smoothly, and the second phase of industrialized product production has begun, and the product performance has reached the international advanced level.

The Key Technology for Industrial Preparation and Application of Long Carbon Polyamide Resin won the first prize of scientific and technological progress in the petroleum and chemical industries.